Florian Weinrich

Linz born software engineer, Florian Weinrich, has been working on various artistic and non-artistic projects over the last few years. After finishing education in the field of media technology he worked at media agencies and startups. In 2019 he became self-employed and started working on local and international projects in cooperation with other artists and media agencies based in Europe.
Currently, he works on generative art and real-time visual applications in Linz and Berlin.
In DARV he is creating an augmented reality experience using tablets and unity, a multi-platform game engine. The user can watch multiple dance performances interacting with a painting placed in the exhibition area.
The dance performance will be supplemented by video projection generated in real-time. Kinect sensors are tracking the performers on stage in real-time. This data is processed in openFrameworks, a toolkit for creative coding.  

Website: weinrich.dev
Mail: florian@weinrich.dev

린츠 출신의 소프트웨어 개발자인 플로리안 바인리히는 지난 몇년동안 다양한 융복합 협업 작업 등을 진행하였다. 미디어 테크놀로지 분야의 교육과정을 마친 후, 미디어 에이전시 및 스타트업 분야에서 활동하고 있으며, 2019년 개인 기술 개발자로 독립하여 유럽을 중심으로 다양한 분야의 아티스트들, 에이전시 등과 함께 국제 협업 작업을 시작하였다. 현재 린츠와 베를린에서 예술 작업과 연계된 기술 개발 등의 작업을 활발하게 진행하고 있다