Mihaela Kavdanska
Mihaela Kavdanska works as intermedia artist and researcher, creative and art director, curator, cultural manager and producer of exhibitions, festivals and TEDx events in Austria and Romania.
She holds a master’s degree in Fine Arts from the National University of Arts in Bucharest and an Interactive Art MA (Interface Cultures) from the University of Art and Design in Linz, Austria.
During the last 20 years of professional artistic activity Mihaela Kavdanska has developed personal and interdisciplinary collaborative projects, exhibited and performed in different galleries, museums, festivals and public spaces in Europe, United States & Asia.
Mihaela Kavdanska creates live experience and process based art works, where the constant exchange of perspectives plays an important role. As visual and media artist, she's been interested in renewing artistic language and mastering both traditional and new means since late '90s. She's been working in the fields of painting, photography, video art, visuals for music, interactive installations, intermedia and interactive dance or theatre performance.
Mihaela Kavdanska is co-founder and creative director Aof KOTKI visuals, an Art & Technology creative studio founded in 2006 in Bucharest, in collaboration with Dilmana Yordanova, Bulgarian born media artist, based in Bucharest. The studio is among the first to implement new technologies in performing arts, communication, advertising and culture in Eastern Europe. KOTKI’s portfolio includes more than 100 projects realized for a vast array of clients: museums, corporations, advertising agencies, independent cultural institutions, festivals and unconventional events all over Europe and United States. Since 2012, KOTKI visuals are based in Bucharest & Linz.
Mihaela Kavdanska is initiator, co-founder, curator and artistic director of AVmotional Platform, founded in 2004 in Bucharest, Romania. AVmotional presents and promotes outstanding media artists and productions in the field of Media and Performing Arts. During its years of activities, more than 60 events have been organized and produced with the participation of hundreds of
artists from Europe and Asia.
Website: kotkivisuals.com | kavdanska.eu
Mail: contact@kotkivisuals.com | mikavdanska@gmail.com
오스트리아와 루마니아를 중심으로 인터미디어 아티스트, 크리에이티브 디렉터 등으로 활동하고 있는 불가리아 출신 아티스트 미하엘라 카브단스카는 루마니아 부카레스트 국립 예술대학에서 예술학 석사, 오스트리아 린츠 디자인 예술대학에서 인터렉티브 아트 석사 과정을 마쳤으며, 1990년 후반부터 유럽, 미국, 아시아의 갤러리, 뮤지엄, 무용센터 등에서 개인작업 및 협업 작업을 진행하였다.
2006년부터 현재까지 KOTKI visuals와 Art & Technology studio의 공동 아트디렉터이자 창작자로서 부카레스트와 린츠에서 다양한 작업을 진행하고 있다.